The german magazin Bild published photos and video footage of a weird creature discovered in a village from Mexic two years ago. The so-called baby alien - caught in an animal trap - was killed by a farmer from Metepec who tried to drown it for about 3 hours. After performing tests, the researchers concluded that they dealed with an intelligent form of life having quite an evolved brain. The creature measures a few ten of centimeters and resembles the shape of a reptile. Despite the discovery, the international press is somehow skeptic wondering if it's about an important discovery or a big hoax. The alien was found in 2007 and the first images were just recently published. The alien corpse is hosted by the University of Granada.
Video Mexico alien baby - and check also hoax teory info below.
“Sometime around May 11, 2007, a wealthy Mexican rancher named Marao Lopez found this creature, less than one foot tall, in a steel trap. The property was in Metepec, … Mexico. … The creature was alive, shrieking and scared. … the ranchers decided to kill and preserve it the morning of the third day … They dunked it in water … for many hours, and it finally drowned. It’s ability to survive so long underwater has made many feel it was amphibious. Within days, word about the strange creature had gotten to Jaime [Maussán]. … Jaime considered Marao Lopez an honorable man. Since Lopez was wealthy, and money was never mentioned as a variable in this situation, Jaime sees no motivation for a hoax. Jaime requested access to the body, now mummified, for tests at various universities. Around this period of time, Marao Lopez died mysteriously.” The Screamin’ Demon Of Mexico By Joshua P. Warren.
A very cheesy mystery thriller, full of plot holes and told by Jaime Maussán, illustrious member of Ufology’s Hall of Shame. So it’s really no surprise twist that the “Screamin’ Demon of Metepec” is just another hoax. Keep reading for the video and some ordinary investigations
I do recommend that you read the full elaborate story, even if it can’t be taken seriously. Beyond that, there’s the actual evidence of a publicized image and the video. What is that?
“As far as I can see, the photo and the video are the same thing: a small primate from which someone removed the skin and part of the muscles. A squirrel-monkey is a good guess”, Maria Guimarães from Ciência e Idéias told us.
“I would guess it could be a species of Tamarin, since the position of the eyes is a little more farther apart than in the squirrel monkeys. The size of the cranium does not help to clarify things, but it’s bigger in the squirrel-monkeys. In any event, it’s indeed just a baby primate,” added Portuguese Biologist Bruno Galrido, author of Macacologia. “Poor creature, it must have lost itself and ended up in a trap”.
Below, the skeleton of a squirrel-monkey and Tamarin: (via National Geographic):

If it’s hard to believe someone would be capable of capturing a harmless little monkey, either a fetus without fur, or a small baby that was then skinned; only to then put it into a trap (as Vincent Boudreau noted on UfoUpdates, it’s impossible for the small creature to be captured in the foothold trap in that pose), to invent a whole load of bullcrap…
Then it’s because one underestimates the amazing bullcrap-generating abilities of some illustrious “researchers”. The report we quote here was originally published by Joshua Warren in his website, given that Maussán himself is holding this “evidence” for months already. In fact, he apparently still is, since he asked Warren to remove the material from the website because “the scientists involved did not want the attention to influence the perception of their results”.
Warren himself concedes that “these new developments do not help support the case for a find”. And indeed, if you are still swallowing even some of all that bullcrap, consider that Dr. Jose Antonio Lorente of the University of Granada, to whom “now, the creature has been sent …, undergoing the best DNA analysis in the world by one of the field’s top experts … As soon as the results are finalized, and all facts are compiled, there will be a world press conference in Spain, Mexico, or both, to unveil all the findings for the full scrutiny of the scientific community.”
Well, Dr. Lorente, as inquired by Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos through Antonio Salinas and shared with Martin Shough…
That Dr. Lorente said he has never heard of Jaime Maussán and that nothing of the sort has been sent to him, nor does he know if it is ever going to be. He also clarifies that he is an expert in human DNA, therefore even if he did receive a sample he would only be able to tell if it was human or not, but could hardly do much if it wasn’t, especially if it wasn’t of a known species.
It’s possible that some will now say that Lorente is part of the Great Conspiracy, or whatever other bullcrap they may come up with. Perhaps Maussán asked Warren to remove the report from his website exactly because it mentioned Lorente, a plot hole so easy to expose.
This whole cheesy paranormal thriller must be very familiar. With all the clichés including scientific analysis that is always about to be conducted, or was conducted, but from which we never get to see the results; with threats, deaths and everything else; where all sorts of things happen and the creature always vanishes at some point; this is all part of a pattern of similar stories related to the discovery of such imaginary creatures. It can be seen in the Garadiávolos tales, for instance. Just sea rays cut to look like humanoid creatures, the rest is pure, bad, fiction.
The senseless exploitation of harmless little creatures, including human babies, is sadly no news either. It can be seen in the Uberara “Alien” Skeleton case. The remains of a child with hydrocephalus and other congenital problems. The rest is pure, inhuman, exploitation.
The Screamin’ Demon of Metepec, Mexico, is just a small, skinned monkey. The rest is pure, distilled and aged crap.
[With thanks to Maria Guimarães, Bruno Galrito, Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos and Martin Shough. I first saw the suggestion that it was a squirrel-monkey in the comments section at “They Don’t See Through Us”]