Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Lufthansa cargo plane crashes in Riyadh

A MD-11 cargo plane operated by Lufthansa crashed Wednesday at King Khaled international airport in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - the local state news agency announced. The pilots escaped with minor injuries and they have been hospitalized. Before landing the pilots told the air traffic controlers that a fire ignated on board of the aircraft. According to the witnesses the plane was releasing a trail of smoke as approaching the airport. The MD-11 which was on a route Frankfurt-Riyadh broke in two pieces upon landing. The emergency teams managed to extinguish the fire but the airplane is completely destroyed.
Video Lufthansa cargo crash Riyadh/Lufthansa Absturz Riad


Pakistan air crash rocks Islamabad

A pakistani passenger jet carrying 152 people on board crashed today in the vecinity of capital Islamabad. Airblue plane was heading to Islamabad from the seaside city of Karachi when it crashed into a hillside during the landing maneuvers. After the rescue efforts started five people have been found alive so far. At the crash site also 10 bodies have been recovered. At the moment is still not known what made the jet with 146 and 6 crew members crash into the Margalla Hills, north of Islamabad.


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Video: Eighteen killed at Loveparade in Duisburg

Tragedy struck at the love parade in Duisburg where 18 people died due to an ambush that took place during a tunnel passage. Besides those who died there were also about 100 injured out of which 45 heavily wounded. According to the police, about 1.4 million people were attending the Duisburg loveparade dance feast despite the fact that the terrain had a capacity of only 500.000 people. The tragedy happened in a tunnel on the way to the festival grounds as police were struggling to prevent people from getting into the overcrowded place. Thousands of participants had been walking along a hundred-meter pathway toward the festival for several hours, many of them intoxicated.
Video 18 died @ Love Parade Germany (Duisburg)


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Video: CF-18 Hornet fighterjet crashes during Alberta airshow

The pilot of a Canadian fighter jet managed to eject miraculously just seconds before the plane crashed. Brian Bews was in command of a CF-18 Hornet during a training flight at the 2-days Alberta International Airshow when suddenly the aircraft experienced engine failure and crashed in a ball of fire. According to the witnesses and video footage, the fighter jet was flying above Lethbridge airport when 3 pop sounds could be heard followed by sparks coming out of the engines. The pilot pulled the parachute and fell to the ground near the burning jet. His fast reaction and the seat ejector made him escape just with minor injuries caused by the hard landing and the parachute drag along the runway.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Madalina Manole died at 43

Romanian singer Madalina Manole was found dead Wednesday morning at her house in Otopeni, near Bucharest. The artist would have celebrated her 43 anniversary today. She was born on 14 July 1967, got recently married and was having a one-year-old child. The tragedy occured around 6 a.m. and Manole's body was found by her husband who announced the medical services. According to investigators, Wednesday at 2 a.m. the singer sms'ed a farewell message on husband's cellphone expressing her regrets for the deed she was going to commit over a few hours. The first suspicion falls on suicide gesture as a chemical bottle was discovered near the singer's body. Romanian police gathers evidence to figure out what determined the singer to kill herself but at the same time also the result from coroner's office is expected, therefore the crime possibility is not entirely excluded so far. In case of a murder situation the first suspect would be the husband regarding the fact that is unusual for a self-murderer to send farewell messages on mobile phones or to commit suicide at the entrance hall - the lawyer Mariana Stefan said. A few weeks ago Madalina Manole had another suicide attempt by swallowing ibuprofen and paracetamols. Manole's death came as a sudden shock for the romanian singers association.
More on the topic (romanian language):
VIDEO - Madalina Manole's death investigation
Madalina Manole has died-husband is main suspect.

Prosecutor investigates Romanian singer's death.
Madalina Manole commits suicide-first results.


Friday, July 9, 2010

Paul octopus thinks Spain will beat Netherlands

Just 3 minutes needed the oracle octopus Paul to choose the winner of the 2010 World Cup. The two-year-old Paul "believes" that Spain is gonna beat Netherlands in the final game of the football tournament. The octopus became famous after predicting with high accuracy the evolution of Germany in all its six matches at the South African football contest. The spokeswoman of the Oberhausen Sea Life said that it was surprising the rapidity the octopus has chosen Spain as winner, therefore it looks like a clear win for Spaniards. On the other side regarding the fierce rivalry between Germany and Netherlands it is not surprizing the decision of the German octopus. Now it remains to Dutch players wether they agree Paul or not. Netherlands squad is know as being the most organized team with the best coverage of the pitch and is unbeatable since 2008 with an amazing record of winning all matches played in the qualification stage, friendly disputes, World Cup groups up to the WK Final. The Germans feel somehow relieved as the sea creature picked the panzerz to beat Uruguay in Saturday's game.
A few reactions from media: Spanish website Marca: "The octopus Paul makes us champions". Two German tv stations stopped their regular programs for live coverage of the octopus decision. Several televisions in the Netherlands, Spain and across Europe broadcast live Paul's pick for the winner.
Video octopus Paul predicts Spain to beat Germany in semifinal.

Video octopus Paul predicts Spain to defeat Netherlands in the final of the World Cup.


Monday, July 5, 2010

Tuzla Antonov AN2 accident

An AN2 aircraft crashed Monday afternoon at Tuzla military base near the city of Constanta. Something went wrong with the plane during the take-off and subsequently caught fire shortly after ground impact. According to the last info, at least ten people have died and 3 have been injured. The emergency services have been dispatch on crash site and a Smurd helicopter transported the wounded persons to Constanta city hospital. The Antonov AN2 airplane was belonging to the Minitery of Defense and was supposed to take the paratroupers on a training flight.


Friday, July 2, 2010

Video: Brazil crashes out, Netherlands progresses to semifinals

Netherlands is the first team qualified in the semifinals of the 2010 World Cup after beating 2-1 Brazil. Dunga's players started strongly the match and Robinho put his team ahead in minute 10 after overtaking a static Dutch defense. Netherlands does not quit and levels the score in min. 53 when a cross from Wesley Sneijder was deflected by Melo into his own goal. Fifteen minutes later (68') the same Sneijer headed Netherlands ahead following a corner from Arjen Robben which was flicked on nicely by Dirk Kuyt. For Melo it was not a good day, he was red booked by the referee after stepping on Robben. In the semifinals Netherlands is gonna meet the winner of the Uruguay-Ghana match. To note that in a friendly game prior to the tournament the Dutch smashed Ghana by 4-1.
Video: Nederland - Brazil 2-1 highlights and goals.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tech: Pentagon robot changing form

Pentagon researchers created a small dimension robot which can change its shape thus pushing the technology closer to Transformers style design shifting objects. The robot has the shape of a 0.5 mm sheet, capable to fold itself into various forms such as boat or paper glider airplane. The new invention can be used in the future for developping full sized vehicles that morph themselves as they travel. The project started in 2007 under the supervision of Darpa (Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The sheet-shaped robot contains 25 actuator grouped into 5 blocks. A specific shape is created by triggering sequentially the corresponding actuator block.
Video morphing robot by Pentagon, Harvard and MIT.

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