Friday, February 20, 2009

Anti-smoking campaign. Discrimination?

I will try to keep it as short as possible despite the fact that this it is a one night long discussion. A few years ago nobody cared too much, smoking was something normal and everyone was free to choose its options. Nowadays it seems that all are preoccupied about smokers. Even those who quitted smoking forgot the older times and seem to have “caught wings” and understand less and less the smoking habit. Personally I consider this a form of discrimination. On contrary, the smokers should be privileged because they pay taxes applied to tobacco commerce. Soon probably it will be cheaper to smoke marihuana in every coffeeshop than opting for usual cigarettes. Fortunately in Nederland things are still okay, the cigarette prices are not very high (4-4.5 Euro) but if understood well, in US (or other countries) it is even higher and furthermore forbidden to smoke in the street (sure, it is a public place). It's alway funny a debate between a smoker and a non smoker respectively.
Here I quote a non-smoker opinion:
I think it’s funny that people are criticizing employers’ decisions to help better their health. You might as well say, “I can’t believe my boss is not allowing me to pollute myself with toxic chemicals that may kill me and others! (sarcasm)”
But as a smoker:
Imagine that drama, winter or summer...put the coat and boots on, walk 100 meters to your freezing car, get snowy to have a cigar? Or, say it is 40 that caring, for the employer to want you to smoke in your car in those conditions?
Here another "smart" nonsmoker: Whose rights are really being violated? When smokers light up among us nonsmokers (including infants and children), we have no choice but to breathe in their toxic residue. Simply having smoking sections in restaurants does not solve the problem. This is the same as requesting to swim in the nonchlorinated end of the swimming pool.
Yeah, sure, let's remove all the cars off the streets because you get polluted!!!
Who is right? Depends on your statute, I think...


HalfCrazy February 20, 2009 at 11:19 AM  

Argh! The electricity was pulled off after I wrote my comment lol! Anyway, I didn't even know there was an anti-smoking campaign going on lol. Maybe it hasn't spread much on my country yet. Not a smoker myself and I don't inhale much as people I know smoke meters away from me. But I know that even though they do that, the smoke they puff blends with the air so I probably inhale a whole lot more lol.

Much Love,

Infowebexplore February 20, 2009 at 7:42 PM  

Anti-smoking c. is everywhere. You don't just "see" it. Probably there, people do not smoke as much as here. Just keep away from smokers, they are badly "infected":)

Anonymous,  February 21, 2009 at 2:53 AM  

My biggest reason for disliking smoking is because of my previous job, I have been exposed to some of the most horrific damage caused to people's lungs. And I've seen it from the level of having pieces of lungs (from biopsies or cancer removal operations) in jars at work awaiting histological testing.

In Australia, there are laws against smoking in public areas. I don't think this is an infringement of anybody's rights but a responsible action to safeguard the general public from actions of some people who are just downright rude and inconsiderate. Most people are not. Most people would not puff away blowing smoke into babies and children's faces but there are some who would.

This law doesn't go so far as to forbid smoking, but it does enable non-smokers to do their shopping, eat their meals and take their children to the park in relative peace.

A lot of my friends complained about this when it was first introduced because they had to go outside to smoke, but I have to say that being able to spend a night in town and come home without having my clothes and hair reek of other people's cigarettes was awesome.

Infowebexplore February 21, 2009 at 3:07 AM  

Ok, Kaitee, I understand,,,at the moment hands down. I would rather post better on your site at the corresponding topic.

HalfCrazy February 21, 2009 at 2:47 PM  

Yeah I know, some of my friends smoke and I usually throw rocks at them LOL.

Anonymous,  October 20, 2009 at 11:48 AM  

the lastest discimination i just ran into today, yes i am a smoker.

today i got warned by the company i work for ( ISS ) not for smoking in the work place , not for smoking in the work area, no i got a warning because i dare have a fag in my own car on the way to work and the lewisham goverment employees could smell it on my jacket,

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