Starting your own online business
Dealing with traffic:
The Internet contains an overwhelming amount of information and we feel somehow...lost. For that reason names like Google, Yahoo, etc., just rose up to make our life easier but (still)sometimes in our search we are not able to find easy what we look for. For example many people want to make money using the internet but not all of them are skilled to succeed. Subsequently, those who succeed do not share any kind of reliable information describing the way they manage to develop so well,,,excepting the case when you pay (and not sure even then).
For someone who is quite new to Internet marketing, traffic or lack thereof, is certainly one of the most frustrating challenges could be faced in building a business. One of the things that is somehow frustrating and even irritating is when those who have become experts on traffic generation or whose websites enjoy an abundance of traffic, try to tell the rest of people that getting traffic really is very simple. I do not think it is. If it were, a whole lot more people would be making money. Of course getting traffic is simple once you've established your business and developed a recognized brand. But when you're in the midst of building a business, the issue of getting traffic to your website is a hard nut to crack.
As part of us know, often, those who are successful "traffic generators" will throw out some old, dry bones, but will never tell you the real story. Very few people will come right out and tell you that there is really no way to develop targeted traffic (and that's the only kind that matters) easily or quickly, short of a couple of strategies. The development of targeted traffic ultimately takes time.
Personally I don't believe that there is any way to generate website traffic quickly and when I say quickly, I mean within 60 days, unless you do one of two things: buy it (Use pay per click. Other "pay for traffic" services are not worth a few seconds of your time, nor any of your money!) or enter into a joint venture with somebody who already has a sizable and responsive list. There are of course, exceptions to every rule, but generally speaking, these are the two best ways to get immediate, significant traffic.
I think that often, advisors are hesitant to tell you that developing your business costs money. Free traffic generation methods are okay, in fact they're wonderful for building long-term traffic generation (which is what you ultimately want), and in the case that you don't have seed money to begin But, free traffic generation strategies take a lot longer to achieve the desired results. If you don't need to make money right away, then that's okay. But most people with whom I come in contact in Internet marketing are looking for pretty quick results. Again, if it's quick traffic you need, buy it (PPC) or find a JV partner.
P.S.: If anyone thinks differently, please feel free to come up with new ideas.
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