Amazing levitation performance by Claudia Pacheco 27.03.2009
Wow, a really cool levitation state performed by Claudia Pacheco a.k.a "Princesa Inca" at Lima Main Square". The people gathered in Plaza de Armas witnessed the first levitation illusion made by a woman in Latin America. Watch Video Claudia Pacheco levitation at Lima Main Square Peru (just broadcast on news channels at "no comment" category):
super tare frate
WHAT?! HOW..?! This is so amazing! I believe this requires hardcore meditation and focusing!
@HalfCrazy. What is more amazing is the succes of this video. Looking at bottom of the page at traffic counter it is unbelievable how many visitor come from all over mostly from google search engine (I know you are exception because we follow each other):) P.S. But it is just a well done illusion. Physically, levitation is impossible once you do not have momentum/impulse conservation (she is not a fighter jet:)
asta este un prouve ca omul nu isi foloseste decat foarte putin din capacitatea mintala...
Sincera sa fiu, chiar nu o cred pe domnisoara -levitatie. Daca la un moment dat revenea singurica cu picioarele pe pamant, Da, atunci era o chestie credibila, dar asa....mi se pare simpla iluzie :)
frate cum e asta cu banii on-line?E adevarat e frauda care e treaba?
Cool, looks like she's getting pretty popular! She did the impossible, then?
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