Moldova's riot: The 4th day - 09.April.2009 Updates
09.Apr.2009 - 4:00 AM Update 1. After a check on Twittergrid it seems that tomorrow will be again a busy day for Modovan revolutionists. More will be found out in a few hours at early time in the morning. The moldavian youth joined by romanians, can be found talking Here (twittergrid, hashtag #pman).
Update 2. The moldavian uprising seems to fade away in the 4th day, at 10:30 AM there was silent atmosphere at "PMAN", only a few TV camera teams being present in the area; by 12:00 hrs, 200 were protesting in front of Presidency before heading to Chisinau Main Square ("pman"). Meanwhile a group of students were picked up from their classes and taken away, again to an unknown location and from now on there will be repeated typical pattern actions clearly used by communists before 1990's (Security involvement, etc.). Unfortunately tough times will come for Moldavians, but the only positive thing is that the oppression is always the end of communists (they do not know how to deal these situations without arrestments and persecutions).
7:30PM Meeting of solidarity with people from Rep.of Moldavia organized in Iasi-Romania, live webcam images.
- One of the frontpage title of the StireaZilei Journal is called "Terror in Chisinau - Beaten journalists, kidnapped people and missing children" and indeed this is confirmed also by the following images courtesy of
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From Chisinau-street kidnappings 09.04.2009 |
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From Chisinau-street kidnappings 09.04.2009 |
EU, CNN, BBC, Eurorews reaction??? None!!! If these events happened somewhere else, all the international media would become very noisy. At these moments they broadcast news like ciclism, banking system in England, elections in Algeria and (weird) even about peaceful protests from Georgia but... nothing related to agitated "north corean type events" from Moldova???
Here one of the BBC news: "Tens of thousands of opposition supporters in Georgia have been taking part in protests calling for the resignation of President Mikhail Saakashvili." - coincidentally pretty similar demands in Georgia but there do not occur violent actions as in Moldova.
- on Twitter spreads the news that tomorrow (10.Apr.2009) there will be organized two legitimate protests in Chisinau, one of them at the public national television but the authorities (also opposition warn population that is a set-up)
- in General meetings might be so dangerous that different newspapers published some important advises for protesters as follows:
1) people should walk in huge packs, not individual, 2) keep contact with someone out of conflict zone, 3) do not talk to unknown persons, 4) avoid head shaved persons especially if speaking russian, 5) use the main boulevards, avoid narrow and dark streets, 6) do not hesitate to shout when in danger,,, the noise helps, 7) take care at night, people are easily kidnapped, 8) do not talk about protests when travelling by public transport, 9) if you are part of a Facebook group, just increase the privacy profile level and eventually remove your pictures.
its all about MONEY and ROMANIAN interests... HUGE money has been invested in opposition - and people DONT wanna lose their investments..
there is NO revolution... bunch of kids from rural areas - that were give $5-$10 + oppotunity to have fun in CAPITAL... + several groups of romanian nationalists that spark those kids...
that's the FACE of this so-called revolution !!!! :):)
regarding the fact that you look like pro-russian just bring evidence (along with Voronin) that is a romanian plot. Re-unification Moldova-Romania will bring Romania down (like Germany experienced in 1990's). P.S. Also the moldovans who protested in diaspora were paid by romanians? (it seems that according to some, romanians are very rich such that they can afford to pay a revolution). Of course it is not really a revolution but in this way the communists behave, it will be in the future if things do not change. This time was just a "Hilarious Revolution" but the "moldavian kids" proved enough.
nebunie mare mare acolo, nu vad nici un final bun. e pacat de omuletii care invata la noi in tara si stau cu grija si stres pentru familiile lor.
@Mihaela: Da,,e iritant fir-ar, avand in vedere ca banditii de comunisti fac ce vor. Iar ramolitul ala de Voronin cu fata aia de bou, nu stiu de ce nu se duce acasa ca si-a cam terminat mandatul. Pacat ca nu prea sunt organizati moldovenii si daca nu schimba ceva ii mananca comunistii ulterior, ii ridica unul cate unul, e mai rau decat inainte de 1989, iar toata Uniunea asta europeana se face ca ploua doar din cauza nenorocitului de gaz de la rusii aia imputiti (rusii au fost niste penali de-a lungul istoriei-le trebuie influenta aici de parca nu le ajunge Siberia pana la Alaska, daca voiau sa fie priviti bine spre vestul Europei trebuiau sa fie domni, dar cu marlania si violenta lor tot pierd teren si nu pot sa accepte). Sper sa fie ok p-acolo.
To anonymous
nobady never invested in Moldova
about what money are you talking aboat if my coauntry is the pourest in Europe.......
I was at that "revolution" and a was not payed by anybody I was there because I'm tired of lies,injustice and dictatorship, I want a great future for my country but with communists this future is endangered......
people that devastated the parliement were sent by Voronin to blame opposition for that
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