Sunday, May 3, 2009

Mars alien skull image by camera of NASA’s Spirit Rover.

03.Apr.2009 A new controversial image from Mars planet was broadcast by the Spirit NASA camera. The raw picture presents a skull shaped object and many UFO spotters started to speculate and analyze it. A few characteristics of the “extraterrestrial Martian skull”: an approximate dimension of 15 cm having eyes separated by 5 cm and the cranial capacity of about 1400 cc. The existence of a small narrow mouth and the blunted nose suggest a carnivore creature living in a chilly and windy environment specific to Mars. There are raised many questions: Is the alien skull seen on Mars beheaded or buried up to the neck?
Might be possible to be a real humanoid skull or is just another tricky effect?
Another famous image from red planet, known as Face on Mars was taken by Viking 1 spacecraft in 1976 and after re-filming the area in 1988 it was considered just a trick of the light.
Picture of "alien skull" spotted on Mars.


truckme May 3, 2009 at 10:04 AM  

desigur, este posibil sa fie un alien skull, doar ne-am obisnuit ca si marmota impacheteaza chiocolata. Totul este posibil. :)

Infowebexplore May 3, 2009 at 3:55 PM  

haha,,totusi ma intreb daca tot au Rover-ul ala pe Marte (de prin 2004), de ce nu s-au dus sa ridice obiectul si sa-l examineze mai de aproape,,sau s-or fi gandind la asta pe viitor.

Unknown December 2, 2009 at 5:21 AM  

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