A few tips and tricks on weblog promotion
Everyone who starts a personal blog or an own-domain-website wants to increase the importance of his “creation” and become easily found on the internet. Sometimes the promoting procedure might take longer than expected and many steps to follow but a simple web-consulting can make it shorter. Here a few ideas to cut it short.
In general the importance of a website is given by the search engines through their Page Rank. In order to be recognized over the internet the web-domain must be indexed by the crawlers and spiders of the search engines. The most important aspect is the content of the site which subsequently is supposed to bring traffic. The first step to do is the submission to the high ranked search engines and directories and this should be done after the webpage has somehow a main content (design). Actually, the content is that part which does the most, but depends on the way it is written, therefore it is introduced the notion of “optimization”.
The website importance (PR) is dictated by the amount of traffic and about 80% of it comes from the search engines (and the rest from direct visitors). The most important viewpoint of the web-marketing is that the optimization is a way of advertising the desired target. On that purpose the user must optimize the website content, which means that for a specific combination of keywords the page entry will be displayed in the first results of an online search thus bringing more visitors as potential clients for a chosen niche. Hence it is better to be used the keywords combination that will show the least number of search results. Even if different companies offer services for web optimization, still the effects will be seen in time and not shortly after. The SEO technique must be applied correctly in order to bring benefits otherwise can lead to undesirable spam. A proper evaluation of your blog can be done here.
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