Neda, Iranian girl shot dead on Tehran streets
Shocking video recording of Neda Soltani during her killing. The death of Neda who was participating with a friend - a teacher of music and philosophy - in a protest march on Tehran streets, was captured on camera by bystanders . Saturday 20 June 2009 at 19:05 in the area of Karegar Ave., at the corner crossing between Khosravi Street and Salehi Street, Neda Agha-Soltan a young woman who was standing along with a friend watching the street protests, was suddenly shot by a member of basiji militia who was hiding on the roof of a nearby house. After being stuck in traffic for more than an hour inside a Peugeot 206 - a subcompact with a poorly working
air conditioner - Neda and the family friend decided to get out of the car for some fresh air. Neda, wearing a baseball cap over a black scarf, a black shirt, blue jeans and tennis shoes, does not appear to be chanting and seems to be observing the demonstration.
Suddenly, a gunshot is heard. She collapses to ground - hit by a single gunshot in the chest - and seconds after, she appears to lose consciousness while her eyes roll to the right side. Intense blood streams start to come out from her mouth and nose and she dies in less than 2 minutes. The video footage shows Neda's dying moments and the eye witnesses declared that she was shot straight in the heart. "It burned me" - were Neda's last words before she died. She was burried in silence on Sunday only in the presence of her family, after the government forbade any mosque in Tehran to hold memorial ceremony service for Neda. Terrifying video of the dying moments of Neda Salehi Agha Soltan.
Video Iranian Neda Soltan shooting.
What happens over there stays over there. I could care less about some lady shot in the streets of Iran. We have enough problems to deal with here in the USA! Obama is systeamatically destroying this this country and people cry for this lady. WAKE UP PEOPLE!
What happened in Iran is probably more tragic, something done on purpose by the people, whereas in USA the life is better (this is why the killing of an young woman has more impact than 6 people dead in the Washington metro crash).
P.S. What about Iraq where daily the civilians are killed in packs of 20-80? Everyone is free to choose what to watch.
What happens over there stays over there. I could care less about some lady shot in the streets of Iran. We have enough problems to deal with here in the USA! Obama is systeamatically destroying this this country and people cry for this lady. WAKE UP PEOPLE
You make me ashamed, with your utter stupidity. I hope you are not really American, because the American's I know are very good people. Not idiotic and blind like you appear to be. Obama is a great man, far far better than you'll ever amount to.
What a horrible tragedy. My heart is with her family, and Neda you are in my prayers. Good luck Iran, you deserve happiness and prosperity. I pray god will grant you justice and steer your country through this. Do not let evil win, fight it wherever it may be. Everyone is a brother or sister in this.
What happens over there stays over there. I could care less about some lady shot in the streets of Iran. We have enough problems to deal with here in the USA! Obama is systeamatically destroying this this country and people cry for this lady. WAKE UP PEOPLE
You make me ashamed, with your utter stupidity. I hope you are not really American, because the American's I know are very good people. Not idiotic and blind like you appear to be. Obama is a great man, far far better than you'll ever amount to.
What a horrible tragedy. My heart is with her family, and Neda you are in my prayers. Good luck Iran, you deserve happiness and prosperity. I pray god will grant you justice and steer your country through this. Do not let evil win, fight it wherever it may be. Everyone is a brother or sister in this.
First off who ever posted this comment "Anonymous, June 22, 2009 11:35 PM" IS A COMPLETE ASSHOLE!!
There is a lot of violence everywhere you look in this world. The fact that you could care less makes you gutless and heartless! The sudden loss of life no matter what country is sad. But I agree with you on one thing.. we do have enough problems here in the USA, but it's not becasue of OBAMA you white sheet wearing dick.. it's because of eight long painful years of George Bush's politics and practices destroying this country where ALL of us live....not just your sick ass! So I cry for this lady, everybody like her, and even you. MAYBE YOU SHOULD WAKE UP!
i could care less, we are prolly going to war with north korea and they are allies with iran, thats the only reason north korea is shooting these missiles, because iran has the nuclear tecnology and north korea is getting the missle technology, so i could careless about any of them.
Iranian people already called the name of the street "Neda". God rest her.
Mr. Najad i was a strong supporter of you, but this video hurt me vert much, you are morethan "Adolf Hitler".
you should care for this,it should really be hard to watch,her dad is sitting there watching her die.OBAMA IS GREAT,so fuck off you fucking idiots,
USA has aways been a problem, I couldnt care less for the problems in the USA, Im a white english man from the UK and I care more about seeing this woman die than problems in teh USA, back to the point, this is a very sad vid and something needs to be done. rip
I watched the horrifying video of Neda dying. It is terribly tragic when an innocent bystander is killed. Neda had done nothing to provoke her murder; she was only in the area because she, like so many others, was ashamed to live in a country where a person's vote counts for nothing, if their so -called "supreme leader' does not like the way the voting totaled. If Neda becomes a symbol of being a victim of injustice, then so be it. People around the world will protest Neda's (and others) death, so she did not die in vain. I support this. - Mark Stanioch Cudahy, Wisconsin
That is so incredibly sad and messed up, who did she get shot by? Do they know? stuff is hitting the fans over there and besides the protesting in the streets it's not much different here. That is a pretty horrible video I'm not sure if it should be allowed to be viewed publicly. I hope her family is alright.
While I agree that we have plenty of trouble at home and we need not look far for tragedy, I hope we never become so callused as to be able to watch an innocent young woman die and say that we could “Care less.” If you thoughtless fools are Americans, I'm truly ashamed to be one. “Wake up”? Heed your own advice. We may look different and be separated by great distance, but we are all members of the same family.
-Jaymes Bean, UT. USA
To whomever made this comment:
First off who ever posted this comment "Anonymous, June 22, 2009 11:35 PM" IS A COMPLETE ASSHOLE!!
There is a lot of violence everywhere you look in this world. The fact that you could care less makes you gutless and heartless! The sudden loss of life no matter what country is sad. But I agree with you on one thing.. we do have enough problems here in the USA, but it's not becasue of OBAMA you white sheet wearing dick.. it's because of eight long painful years of George Bush's politics and practices destroying this country where ALL of us live....not just your sick ass! So I cry for this lady, everybody like her, and even you. MAYBE YOU SHOULD WAKE UP!
Typos aside, you started off nicely by berating the heartless fool who made the comment about Neda, then promptly demonstrated your own ignorance and stupidity by blaming George Bush. This had nothing to do with George Bush. Get over the politics. Don't turn this poor girl's memory into some tortured, witless political argument. Let it go. You won the election. Remember?
This Poor woman died for sinmply wanting freedom like we enjoy in the U.S. (atleast for a little while longer) and Obama the tower of Cower is complicit in her murder by not being strong against Iran. Even in Yahoo news it shows all the other countries (even socialist Europe) are stronger on Iran than our pussy *&%#@ spineless doesnt- want to offend -anyone idiot excuse for a president. His arrogance is unprecedented. His idiocy on forreign affairs is supremely unprecedented.He is the weakest president we have ever had- worse than that #@$% coward Carter. You cant blame Bush anymore. Obama is president now, not Bush. Bush didnt make this Bed Obama did. He multiplied our national debt by TRILLIONS his first 4 months in Office-in his first 180 days, more debt than in our contrys entire history put together.That is not Bush- but Obama. Welcome to the Obama Recession. More important, our enemies are arming against us and he is stripping our military. $#@% fool.God's mercy and Rest upon Nedas' soul. You will soon see that Obama is the wrong choice but by then it will be too late. we'll ahve health care worse than the poorest socialized economy. if it werent true then Canadians wouldnt beg their Govt to let them come to our country for health care. fools. you will regret your vote. Obamma is destroying our once great nation. Had he any balls that f'ng fool in Iran would have been taken out by now. But No, we'll have to force Israel who does have the balls and understannds what is at risk to do it because our president is a pussy.
This Poor woman died for sinmply wanting freedom like we enjoy in the U.S. (atleast for a little while longer) and Obama the tower of Cower is complicit in her murder by not being strong against Iran. Even in Yahoo news it shows all the other countries (even socialist Europe) are stronger on Iran than our pussy *&%#@ spineless doesnt- want to offend -anyone idiot excuse for a president. His arrogance is unprecedented. His idiocy on forreign affairs is supremely unprecedented.He is the weakest president we have ever had- worse than that #@$% coward Carter. You cant blame Bush anymore. Obama is president now, not Bush. Bush didnt make this Bed Obama did. He multiplied our national debt by TRILLIONS his first 4 months in Office-in his first 180 days, more debt than in our countrys entire history put together.That is not Bush- but Obama. Welcome to the Obama Recession. More important, our enemies are arming against us and he is stripping our military. $#@% fool!God's mercy and Rest upon Nedas' soul. You will soon see it evident that Obama was the wrong choice but by then it will be too late. we'll have taxes higher than ever, no defense at the most important time in recent history,we'll have health care worse than the poorest socialized economy. if it werent true then Canadians and Europeans wouldnt beg their Govt to let them come to our country for health care. fools. you will regret your vote. Obamma is destroying our once great nation. Had he any balls that f'ng fool in Iran would have been taken out by now. But No, we'll have to force Israel who does have the balls and understannds what is at risk to do it because our president is a pussy.
I'm writing this in absolute is a video of an innocent woman DYING before all of our eyes, brutally murdered before her time, and you people want to get into some sort of psycho-babble about American issues here at home?? Does this have ONE STITCH of ANYTHING to do with Obama?? Jesus effin' christ people. Show some respect. Regardless of where Neda was from, she was murdered at the hands of an oppressive regime and her death should not be mocked or glossed-over like you're reading the Sunday comics. There are more appropriate venues to have political debates. They do not belong here.
A good woman killed by this mad islamist ! Thats the real world !! Neda, rest in peace, from Peru, South America, i send my best feelings to the family.
Neda, I pray that you will rest in peace. And for your family that had high hopes in you, I offer condolences. To the mad power hungry leaders...imagine if that was your daughter!!!Shame.
Ahmindinejad and the supreme leader, Drag those fools to the top of the university, hang them by their feet over the edge and set their asses on fire, burn them alive! invite the media, shoot everyone in their cabinets, and let the precious people of Iran put their real president in power.
start a coup and overthrow this piece of shit. and to correct the idiot who wrote a few spots before me, Obama was warned about the president of Iran and had a chance to take him out, so did Bush, we should have taken out the nuke facility, or let Israel do it,let the people of Iran who have had their family murdered exceute ahmindinejad and the supreme leader in the public eye for all to see. MY POINT is that had we done our job (damn obama) in the U.S. the innocent people of Iran would not be getting shot in the streets. It is obvious the people of Iran want the removal of this dictator fascist fuck or they wouldnt risk getting shot just to show up at a protest. Our wicked pussy president could have prevented Nedas' and multiple other deaths by simply taking action. so you libearl fools stop praising our pussy president and wake up and realize that this is largely OBAMAS FAULT.
@"last anonymous"
when writing, use less injurious words in expressing your anger.
P.S> it is not easy to take over a militant leadership. See the communism as took years to change it and with contribution from both sides (in and out).
The person who shot Neda on purpose, and the government or authorities who allowed this, are utterly evil, the highest level of evilness possible, and therefore should be stopped and put on trial. The hell with not meddling in other countries affaires, when you see something like this you must morally act. Irak will be the next migraine for the US and I believe that sooner or later, the US shall be obliged to attack and stop these nut cases. Before they nuke us.
Stalin's quote. One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic. Very true. I feel bad for her, but many have fallen the same way. How many lives have been lost this way? How many in the future will go this way? As much as we gripe and complain we as people will always kill one another. As the dominant species on the planet, you would figure we would be able to live peacefully. The only natural enemy we have are ourselves. For as long as there is man on Earth, there will be evil. Dominance, greed, and power. These things will not go anywhere. We are cursed to struggle with these things until we die. Some faiths say that if you do bad things in life you will go to Hell. After taking a good look around the world I feel I am already there.
God damn the mullahs. You are Shaytan. You hate God and do the work of the Devil. I'd love to see any of you thugs and cowards take on a United States Marine.
down with united UK us and USA
This is one of the sadest things I have ever watched. The sad truth is that this happens all time. We should be lucky that we don't have to worry about this kind of stuff on the streets of the United States and Canada. We have our own war against drugs, crime and racism. But there is no reason why we can't take one minute out of day to grieve those how have lost their life to something so silly, whether it be in our own back yard or somewhere else in the world. It is time to wake up and see what's going on...what's really going on in the world. Life is to short and we need to live, love and laugh every minute. That's it. That's all I have to say. My heart goes out to the innocent that die everyday, as well as Neda and her family. Peace <3
there should be some sort of basic intelligence test before allowing people (?) to post on such a dire issue.
This is a country that is trying to shake off the hardline Islamists and thought that it would start with a new president. I don't just mourn for that poor young woman who died in public, a nightmare for her, I can believe she was thinking how can this be happening, educated, pretty, she had everything going except living in the wrong country.
Look, I have already spent 4 months this year working in the middle east. I meet every arab nationality you can name, and some you can't. For the most part, they want the same things we do. Security, work, family, fun....yes they have fun as i remember watching little Qatari kids learn sailing at a school outside my hotel. They looked and acted just like US kids. Do some want to do harm, yes. But, it is a very small minority. What we have here now is a budding revolution, but like Americans, who have grown soft, they have too. IF you consider how many rights Americans have had taken away, mostly by Bush post 9/11, we should be gearing up for a revolution. Arabs in the UAE have more rights than they ever have had.
I can see it now...the protesters in Iran are exported to Iraq as sunni Iran wants to destabilze Shite Iraq, and it will. They will only keep the hardliners in Iran.
So, if the protesters want to honor Neda, they need to show courage and rise in their millions and overthrow the hate mongers.
im sadegh i write this massage from iran my home is near this happening i khnow no basiji persion killed her some british persen that was ther and killed her they went ther from iraq.and its lie very big lie that killed her basiji person ididint see any basiji there when the happend accour.
its a very gig lie that bsij killed her iknow she killed by english soldjer come iran from irq with normal cloth that no bady understand them .im sadegh from iran.
Now the Iranian Ambassador to Mexico says that Neda was killed by the CIA because the bullet found in this poor girl is not used by Iranian police or forces. Come on !
How dumb do these people think we are ? How can a person go on national TV and say such a stupidity and beleive it ? The Iranian government, mullahs, ayatollahs, etc. are just a bunch of completely crazed, utterly brainwashed, totally ignorant and supremely evil religious fanatics.
One day we will be obliged to stop them, I am convinced.
Let's make a comparison (comparisons are never perfect, but let's try anyway). How would the world react if the Vatican was, let's say, the size of half of Ialy with 30 million inhabitants. What would we think of the Pope and the morality of the Catholic Church's teachings, if the Pope would order beatings, killings, electoral fraud, and aggressive repression ? The whole Catholic Church and the whole Catholic faith would fall apart instantly and everybody would abadon the Church immediately realizind that the man is evil.
Apply this analogy to the Ayatollahs.
I rest my case, your Honor.
How interesting that people from Iran are saying in very badly spelt english (but actually very cleverly spelt so you can understand it - not the work of an illiterate) that it was english soldiers that killed this girl> How sad, also, that there are other people saying kill the Iranian leaders - People a girl has lost her life - it really doesnt matter who did it - a ;lively life has been cruelly ended.
All right thinking people must be against this
the bloody iranian who said that an english soldier killed neda
obviously voted for ahmadinejad
that bastard
neda didnt even participate in the election she was just going for a walk and the fucking basij asshole
killed her.
well i do hope that nedas family is ok and i pray that everything will be fine for them.
The misinterpretations of the words of profits, in any society will surly lead to the hell of the ignorant dogma.
WTF ? Sadegh you are son of a bitch ... are you crazy ? you believe that fucking news from iran ? they are big liers ... (i am Amir Reza from Iran )
um, has anybody done ANY research on their precious little mousavi? you think having him as president of that shit hole country is going to stop this kind of thing from happening? he'd still keep iran an islamic republic, the way it is now, and it's not like he would abandon iran's nuclear campaign...he's just the same old achmedinejad in a different set of clothes. don't fool yourselves. iran is a country of savages, run by savages.
Iran is the heir to a great world civilization, hijacked by a backward religion, itself heir to a great world civilization, but itself hijacked by savages. The CIA needs to strengthen democratic forces in Iran. It once was good at such things but for the last 30 years or so has been emasculated by the forces of political correctness.
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