Monday, July 20, 2009

Tour de France 2009 Stages 14 & 15 analysis 18 & 19/07/2009

Tour de France 2009 Stage 14 was shadowed by a tragic accident. A 60-year-old woman died and two other injured when a police motorbike struck them. The woman was hit while trying to cross the street and after collision the motorcycle slid and ran into the crowd wounding the other two spectators. Tour de France Stage 14 accident occured in the city of Wittelsheim at the 38.5-km on the 199 km long route between Colmar and Besancon. The stage was won by Russian rider Sergei Ivanov who escaped the peloton in a breakaway move at about 11 km from the finishline. Sergei Ivanov triumph on 2009 Tour de France stage 14 added to his first stage success from eight years ago.
Tour de France 2009 Stage 15, a 207.5 km race from Pontarlier, France to Verbier, Switzerland was won by the Spanish rider Alberto Contador claiming thus the yellow jersey.
Tour de France Stage 15
Tour de France Stage 14


coupons July 20, 2009 at 10:17 AM  

A tragic accident.60 year old women killed by racer.

Anonymous,  July 20, 2009 at 2:57 PM  

Daca vrei iti scriu eu un articol...despre TDF... sau ma rog ultimele noutati... asa din postura de invitat :))

Infowebexplore July 20, 2009 at 3:40 PM  

Dar de ce? Eu nu stiu sa scriu?:)) sau Le tour de France e prea complicated:)

Anonymous,  July 20, 2009 at 10:42 PM  

nu la asta ma refeream....;)) Spuneam asa sa scriu un articol din punctul de vedere a unui om care a vazut ultimele 6 TDF si cunoaste cat de cat lumea ciclismului :p

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