Cheerleader Desiree gets dystonia after flu vaccine shot
Terrible case experienced by Desiree, a former cheerleader who got a flu vaccine shot but she ended up with dystonia. Dystonia is a very rare cerebral desease with weird effects and happens 1/1million. Desiree is absolutely ok if walking backwards or running but terrifying effects and behaviors can be observed when she just walks normally (becomes unrecognizable).
Terrible video - vaccine flu shot makes cheerleader get dystonia.
Get the facts straight on dystonia. First its not 1/1million!
Furthermore, its a neurological condition.
If she gets PROPER treatmnet early, she might recover someone. Plus she has to calm down. The stress is getting to her.
Valium and typical antidepressants, antispasmodic drugs or antianxiety meds will NOT help!
I have lived with dystonia for over 20 yrs!
She is lucky for she just might get the proper care early/
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