Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Broadband and fast satellite internet by Hughes Net technology

The connectivity to the internet can be done in many different ways such as dial-up, DSL cable, ADSL, broadband fibre optic. Besides all these connections, the satellite internet is by far the best suitable in remote and isolated areas such as rural or mountainous regions. When ordering internet satellite you get a hardware terminal consisting of outdoor and indoor units. The outdoor part includes usually the satellite dish, feed support and RFU head. The indoor set contains the transmitter and receiver module, the router and satellite gateway. The hardware equipment is obviously installed by company professionals. There are various advantages of the satellite internet technology: no restriction regarding the geographical coverage, mobility, user can opt for voice over IP or SSL VNP, non-stop internet access, available for individual persons, small businesses or professional network providers. The Hughes Net’s powerful tool is based on the HN7000S modem which represents a revolutionary 2 way satellite platform. The HN7000S terminal can provide up to 1.6 Mbps uplink and 120 Mbps download speed thus becoming one of the ideal solutions for broadband internet.


Anonymous,  January 6, 2010 at 1:47 PM  

And in her case, HughesNet imposes a daily bandwidth cap of 200 MB to (I presume) prevent people from saturating the connection with large file downloads.

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