Monday, February 8, 2010

Video: 2 planes collide in midair in Boulder, Colorado

Three people died on Saturday when two planes crashed in midair above Boulder, Colorado. The pilot of a single-seat Piper Pawnee plane and two people on a Cirrus SR20 (second plane) were killed upon impact. To remark that the Piper-Pawnee aircraft was towing a glider with three aboard (pilot and 2 passengers). The occupants of the glider escaped miraculously after being dettached from the carrying plane. They landed safely in Boulder.
According to the witnesses, after the collision both planes exploded and desintegrated instantaneously. The glider's passengers were considered very lucky due to fact that the Piper's pilot realized quickly that he was on course of a collision with the other aircraft and chose to separate the glider from Piper Pawnee.


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