Video: Fox News' Bret Baier interrupts Barack Obama on health care talk
Wednesday at the White House president Barack Obama was interviewed by Fox News host Bret Baier on health care reform. The american president was repeatedly interrupted by an irritating Bret Baier who later appologized for his interjections, declaring that he wanted to "get more bang for buck."
Part of Barack Obama statement on health care strategy and idea:
BARACK OBAMA: "I'm confident it will pass. And the reason I'm confident that it's going to pass is because it's the right thing to do. Look, on a whole host of these measures, whether it's health care, whether it was fixing the financial system, whether it's making sure that we passed the Recovery Act, I knew these things might not be popular, but I was absolutely positive that they were the right thing to do and that, over time, we would be vindicated in having made those tough decisions.
I think health care is exactly the same thing. We -- I've got a whole bunch of portraits of presidents around here, starting with Teddy Roosevelt, who tried to do this and didn't get it done. The reason that it needs to be done is not its affect on the presidency. It has to do with how it's going to affect ordinary people who right now are desperately in need of help."
Video Barack Obama's contentious Fox News Interview with Bret Baier
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