AC/DC's Highway to Hell discovered at Romanian border
AC/DC - the Australian rock band - played many times their famous hit "Highway to Hell" and in the end they managed to find one, in Romania. The group sang in Bucharest for 60000 people on May 16, 2010 and were about to head toward Italy where supposed to have a concert on May 19 in Udine. The problems started when AC/DC's caravan reached the border between Romania and Hungary. The custom employees of the Romanian national roads company from Nadlac crossing point requested the caravan staff to pay 50 Euro for each vehicle or a total amount of 2500 Euro in order to be allowed to cross the border. The custom-house officers argued the drivers on the issue related to the payment of the highway toll. In a complaint sent to the company the AC/DC staff said they did not get any receipt for the fine. This situation generated a scandal in Romania where the authorities started an investigation. An official of the roads company declared that even if the employees do not recognize the facts, the truth should come up to life as long as any vehicle crossing the border must be monitored and recorded. This news proving the high level of corruption in the Romanian custom system was taken also by the international media.
ha ha,misto faza,normal sa ia spaga pentru ca urmau sa iasa din tara si vignieta nu le-ar mai fi trebuit .Bravo !!!.Nu e o zi sa nu iesim cu cuva "bun" in evidenta.
mda,,tampiti si romanii astia. chiar nu au pic de decenta, se umilesc pana la ultimul hal. Vamile ar trebui desfiintate la noi si lasati vecinii sa faca controalele.
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