Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lindsay Lohan liable to new jail term

Lindsay Lohan probation was revoked by the judge Elden Fox on Monday and the actress is scheduled to appear in court next Friday. Lohan's probation following a 2007 drunken drive sentence supposes regular drug tests and the judge said that any failure could sent her back to prison. Lindsay confirmed recently through a Twitter message that she did not pass the last drug test and in consequence she is ready to face the judge this week. A warrant was issued for her but the arrest is on hold untill the hearing which will take place on Friday at 8 a.m. Linsay Lohan spent 23 days in a rehabilitation program last month and her case was taken over by judge Fox who set new rules for her to comply with till November 2010. The rules included frequent counseling sessions for drug and alcohol treatment, various tests and therapy.
"Substance abuse is a desease, which unfortunately does not go away overnight. I am working hard to overcome it and am taking positive steps," Lohan posted on twitter. Lindsay Lohan career and biography.


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