Asia view longest total solar eclipse of 21th century 22/07/2009
22 July 2009 Total solar eclipse viewed from Asia. Still 4 hours to go and millions of locals and tourists will witness in Asia the longest total solar eclipse of the 21th century. The solar eclipse narrow band will pass through following countries: Maldives (north), India (north), Pakistan (north), Nepal (east), Bhutan, Bangladesh (north), Myanmar (north), China (center), Japan Islands (south) and Pacific Ocean including the Marshall and Ryukyu Islands and Kiribati. Best considered places to watch the Asia eclipse is Taregana (Bihar state - India) but there will be also partial eclipse over a large aria of Asia. The longest timespan of the today's Asian solar eclipse is calculated to be 6 minutes and 39 seconds at highest peak that occurs at 6.20 a.m local time (8.50 p.m ET). At Taregana (best visibility) the duration will be 3 minutes and 48 seconds. In terms of time, the eclipse is the longest because it is supposed to last for about 3.5 hours due to 15150-kilometer travel of the moon's shadow across the Earth. Video 1 solar eclipse NASA.
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