Video: Radu Mazare romanian mayor dressed in SS Nazi uniform
Radu Mazare, the mayor of Constanta city attracted worldwide media controversy after he showed up wearing a SS Nazi general uniform during a fashion parade held on Sunday 19/07/2009 at the Black Sea shoreline resort of Mamaia. The Mayor raised outrage among the jewish community due to his gesture. Despite the fact that in Romania is forbidden to wear a Nazi WWII uniform, Radu Mazare declared pretty relaxed that he did not do anything wrong justifying his action as being inspired by a movie called Walkiria. Furthermore, besides Mazare on the stage turned up also his son Raducu, dressed up the same. Normally in Romania the use of fascist, rasists or xenophobe symbols can be sentenced between 6 months to 5 years in prison. In fact in the video Mazare looks quite handsome, probably willing to get a Hollywoodian contract.
Kick this fool out. there is a related post at
The problem with this whole controversy is that celebrating communism, wearing soviet era hats, coats and even attending parades wear soviet era flags are waving is acceptable in the West. I just noticed a truck in a parking lot in Toronto, Canada this past week that has USSR on the back in a huge sticker and a huge Soviet Era flag and Ontario issued USSR or CCCP licence plate. That is okay, but NOOO not the nazis. Come on people! Dont get worked up over nazi uniforms if you do nothing about the celebration even by top European leaders of Soviet clothing and Soviet culture for that matter.
@ 1st Anonymous: Why do not you read here what you have to read and go to your advertised post "id=588". There are many related posts over the internet. I am romanian and I like that mayor, he was cool and funny and all the idiots in the world jump up because they do not have nothing better to do: WWII was half a century ago,,,now the main problem is financial crisis, let's focus on this and let the Nazi's. Anyway it is obvious that the germans were and will be the best.
Wow, the top three comments here are pretty ignorant. Yeah, really. Okay, so this mayor guy is an insecure little man who has to dress up in what he thinks is outrageous costume. You can get just as much attention by using your imagination and coming up with a better costume idea. But dude has no imagination or game for that matter. Everyone knows not to go to the Nazi gig if you need a hi-fashion costume. It's a dumb jock move. I bet he thinks Deloreans are a good idea too. One was in that cool Hollywood movie, right? Guy looked to Tom Cruise for ideas? Bwaaahaaaahaaahaahaaaa! What a moron. I say he resigns for being downright lame. Now if you will excuse me, I got some mackin' to do.
"...he was cool and funny and all the idiots in the world jump up because they do not have nothing better to do: WWII was half a century ago,,,now the main problem is financial crisis, let's focus on this and let the Nazi's. Anyway it is obvious that the germans were and will be the best."
Your ignorant comment is the reason why it's such a big deal. The lessons of past history are obviously lost to you. There was a financial crisis (the Great Depression) which facilitated the rise of the Nazi's too. Then there was genocide as the Jews were used as scapegoats. Not funny at all.
@tonyend2001: the lessons of history keep them for yourself once the WWII was not held on US teritory. Wikipedia and google swift search could be simply done by anyone. What is not funny for you it could be for someone else, the world is harsh and relative,,,and maybe that person meant something else. Anyway I let you stay busy posting:)
Well, that's a german army (heer) uniform, not a Nazi SS uniform. SS officers have a "skull" badge on their cap.
At the following address you'll find details about another mayor that wants to compensate the greek-catholic community with land that belonged to Jewish families deported by Nazis in death camps.
"@tonyend2001: the lessons of history keep them for yourself once the WWII was not held on US teritory. Wikipedia and google swift search could be simply done by anyone."
What does WWII not having happened on U.S. territory have to do with anything? (By the way, Pearl Harbor and the Aleutian islands are U.S. territory). The fact is that there was a lot of blood spilled, including American, all over Europe in order to defeat the Nazi's. I believe that to forget is to allow it to happen again (such as in the former Yugoslavia).
It's one thing to to create a joke if you're a comedian. However, government officials should be held to a higher standard. What they do and espouse reflects on the society that they head.
I have no idea why you brought up Wikipedia and Google? We have this place we go to here called school where you can learn these things. ;-)Also, as a veteran, I've had the privilege to have spoken with many who fought in WWII and have listened to first hand accounts of the Nazi atrocities. Lastly, my mother in-law lived through the occupation in France and has recounted her stories too. Perhaps you should do the same?
BIG DEAL...all the Jews are jumping now that he wears a uniform of WERMAHT(German army NOT nazis) German soldiers were not taking the oath of faith on furher Adolf Hitler those who were part of the Waffen SS were.Of course many of the German soldiers were making part of the Nazi party but while Mazare wore the army uniform of a general (uniform not badge of the SS, the head of the dead and the lightning) means that he didn't offended by anything the jews.Jews were killed by the Nazis by SS more exactly.So cheap anti-Semitism and Jewish over react.I'm a jew myself and my grandmother stayed in Awschwitz when she was only a child ,4 years old, and although I'm just 16 i know already a lot of things that german people did to our people without any fault.But that's in the past.The dead are still dead.Of course that we have to know and to accept wht happend but how one jew said in the ww2 :It's not german fault i'm not angry on germans and i don't blame them for wht they did to me.I'm a jew and they are sick.And he was right.If ur reading books u'll see that german people were sick.They were full of propaganda all the time and believe me i saw part of propaganda it was really convincing.we where the rats in those movie and they were the eagles.Donno how they riched and that conclusion but they did everything they could to make it happend .And they acomplished that.In the end jews were killed like rats,eating anything like rats,dirty like rats,hiding like rats,hunting like rats.So in our days we believe that could never happen again.Yes it could.Why not?They thought they were civilised to.Many of them,even most of germans didn't know about the murders in the camps.Propaganda was shoing some beautiful camps where all jew where staying togeder in coffe shops and kids runing and playing outside:)) Not even close to reality.What can i say?Gobbles was a genius:)).And after all those murders we shouldn't forget(and as much as i can see no one's talking about that) how many murders jews did too.Let's think of comunist.There where so many jew communist in the party and communist didn't kill like nazis 6 million of people they killed 80 why in our days we talk only about antisemitism and not about comununists?I bet that if mazare were a soviet uniforme (they killed lots and lots of people too,raped german women,tortured and killed civils too) so i bet that no onw would have said nothing.And everywhere it's writhing that he were a nazi it wasn't a nazi uniforme it was just a uniforme of a german officer like i said before.
And in conclusion, personally, for a fashion show, the German army uniform seems appropriate cos is one of the most beautiful and imposing uniform ever designed(hugo boss btw did it) for the military.
BIG DEAL...all the Jews are jumping now that he wears a uniform of WERMAHT(German army NOT nazis) German soldiers were not taking the oath of faith on furher Adolf Hitler those who were part of the Waffen SS were.Of course many of the German soldiers were making part of the Nazi party but while Mazare wore the army uniform of a general (uniform not badge of the SS, the head of the dead and the lightning) means that he didn't offended by anything the jews.Jews were killed by the Nazis by SS more exactly.So cheap anti-Semitism and Jewish over react.I'm a jew myself and my grandmother stayed in Awschwitz when she was only a child ,4 years old, and although I'm just 16 i know already a lot of things that german people did to our people without any fault.But that's in the past.The dead are still dead.Of course that we have to know and to accept wht happend but how one jew said in the ww2 :It's not german fault i'm not angry on germans and i don't blame them for wht they did to me.I'm a jew and they are sick.And he was right.If ur reading books u'll see that german people were sick.They were full of propaganda all the time and believe me i saw part of propaganda it was really convincing.we where the rats in those movie and they were the eagles.Donno how they riched and that conclusion but they did everything they could to make it happend .And they acomplished that.In the end jews were killed like rats,eating anything like rats,dirty like rats,hiding like rats,hunting like rats.So in our days we believe that could never happen again.Yes it could.Why not?They thought they were civilised to.Many of them,even most of germans didn't know about the murders in the camps.Propaganda was shoing some beautiful camps where all jew where staying togeder in coffe shops and kids runing and playing outside:)) Not even close to reality.What can i say?Gobbles was a genius:)).And after all those murders we shouldn't forget(and as much as i can see no one's talking about that) how many murders jews did too.Let's think of comunist.There where so many jew communist in the party and communist didn't kill like nazis 6 million of people they killed 80 why in our days we talk only about antisemitism and not about comununists?I bet that if mazare were a soviet uniforme (they killed lots and lots of people too,raped german women,tortured and killed civils too) so i bet that no onw would have said nothing.And everywhere it's writhing that he were a nazi it wasn't a nazi uniforme it was just a uniforme of a german officer like i said before.
And in conclusion, personally, for a fashion show, the German army uniform seems appropriate cos is one of the most beautiful and imposing uniform ever designed(hugo boss btw did it) for the military.
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