Terrifying pictures of a mid-air collision: Boeing B737 vs Embraer Legacy
The last 2 pictures of a life.
Amazing unique pictures taken by Paulo Muller, a passenger of the crashed Flight GLO1907 that collided in mid-air 12.3 km above the Earth with an Embraer Legacy business jet. All 154 people aboard flight 1907 - including also the photographer - died as the Boeing 737 crashed in the Amazon forest, while the Embraer business jet, despite the left wing damages managed to land safely with all 7 people aboard. The passenger took the last photos of his life, shortly after collision while his plane was crashing. The images were recovered later from the memory stick of his Casio Z750 camera. A brave guy. Hat off!!
Picture1: Boeing 737 breaks up with view of the tail section and vertical fin.
Picture2: One passenger being sucked out of the B737 broken cabin.

Asta e-imi place comentariul unde fotograful este laudat ca fiind baiat bun-a patit si el ca Bula-ultima poza facuta de el a fost a unui glont in miscare..:)
mdeh,,,totusi e impresionant. Daca nu facea poza oricum tot murea si nici noi nu mai aveam la ce ne minuna:) Uimitor sa-ti mai stea mintea la facut poze cand esti pe o panta..."descendenta".
corect - nu e prostie - e pasiune pentru meserie-banuiesc faptul ca constientizat ca cineva o sa-i gaseasca aparatul foto
povestea a fost alta: pura coincidenta in timpul investigatiei. nu mai judeca nimeni faptele unora...dusi.
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