Thursday, July 2, 2009

Air France AF447 crash investigation results

The latest news on the investigation of Flight 447 crash reveal that the A330 plane reached the water surface intact and broke up after impact despite the previous conclusions that the jet disintegrated in mid-air. So far, the Air France flight 447 investigation report was based on visual examination of the recovered bodies and plane fragments but the results of the corpses autopsy will shed more light on what happened on night of 1st of June.
The rescue teams managed to recover 51 bodies out of 228 and more than 600 components that belonged to the airbus plane. The search for Flight 447 black-boxes still continue for 10 more days despite the fact that usual signal emitting time of 30 days was exceeded.
Video Preliminary Report Air France AF447 Crash


Nicu B. July 2, 2009 at 5:56 PM  

la tehnologia de acum mi se pare prostesc termenul de 30 de zile dupa care cutiile negre nu mai emit semnal de identificre.

Infowebexplore July 2, 2009 at 6:14 PM  

stii cum e, vorba aia: daca atat le tine bateria. s-or fi gandit si astia ca 30 de zile e suficient sa gaseasca ditamai avionul. pe de alta parte prostesc mi se pare ce ziceau expertii ca dilema lor era ca nu stiau cam cata rezerva mai avea bateria,,,pp ca ar trebui sa fie sub incarcare (sarcina) mereu in timpul zborului. s-o vedea pana la urma.

Mihaela Chelaru July 2, 2009 at 6:24 PM  

Stii ce ma irita pe mine? Faptul ca mereu lucrurile care intr-adevar conteaza sunt ascunse de restul lumii...prea multe enigme deodata..

Infowebexplore July 2, 2009 at 7:58 PM  

@Mihaela, la cata informatie e "around" ajungi nici sa nu mai stii care conteaza si care nu:). C'est la vie, ne resemnam.

PACO July 2, 2009 at 11:39 PM  

Sunt de-acordcu derapaje

Mihaela Chelaru July 3, 2009 at 6:59 PM  

Da pai trebuie sa avem filtre de rezerva pentru valul de informatii zilnic.

Unknown July 18, 2009 at 4:37 PM  

Tail of Airbus A330 made out of composite material like plastic. It is not durable as aluminum, simple crack may cause it to broke off in harsh turbulence. It happen once before in New York. Air France try to hide it now, they occupy all families of victims with their lawyers ( ), families will get close to nothing, but main think no investigation will be made other then Air France ones. It's sad that other people now in great danger of flying those airplanes from Airbus. Airbus French based company, probably owned by same people as Air France. Euros rules, isn't they? How many more people have to die?

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