Tuesday, June 9, 2009

10 most viewed videos on youtube

There is a list with ten most viewed videos on youtube; the running counters might change the order of the videoclips.
1. Girlfriend, the Avril Lavigne's hit with more than 118 million viewers.
2. Evolution of Dance is most favorited video on YouTube (All Time) counting at least 117 million views.
3. Lezberado: Revenge Fantasies is the third most viewed video with a lesbian girls topic.
4. Charlie bit my finger - again ! Home made video with over 92 million views.
5. Chris Brown - With You "With You" - third single from the album "Exclusive" 91 million hits.
6. Jeff Dunham - Achmed the Dead Terrorist.
7. Rihanna - Don't Stop The Music, great song that received a Grammy nomination in the category of "Best Dance Recording" at the 50th Grammy Awards and also 86 million "votes".
8. Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love, best-selling single of 2007 in the UK - 85 million views already.
9. HahahaSmall daring boy... 81 million views so far.
10. Alicia Keys - No One.


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