Monday, September 28, 2009

Ghost speaking in family video footage

According to the Sun magazine a shocking ghost event just occured in Britain. Sarah Mackessy was enjoying a day out with her family at The Enchanted Forest reserve in Tunbridge Wells, Kent. She started filming the kids especially the 8 week-old son Mack while her partner and the other 2 children were playing around. In the evening they decided to watch at home the video shot over the day and remained shocked to hear an awful voice moan I'm alive as the little kid was starring at the screen. Sarah Mackessy declared that nobody else excepting her family was around during the baby filming, regarding the fact that it was almost the park closing time. The ghost voice can be clearly heard in the footage but it could simply be also a fake after processing the original video.
Video terrifying ghost voice groan I'm alive during child filming.


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