Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Claude Levi-Strauss dies at age 100

French anthropologist Calude Levi-Strauss has died, The Academie Francaise announced. Levi-Strauss considered also the father of the anthropology was 100 year old. He was born in Bruxelles (Brusels) in 1908. During his 60 years career he published many many anthropological and literary masterpieces such as "Les structures elementaire de la parente (1949)", "Tristes Tropiques (1955)", "The Savage Mind (1963)", "The Raw and the Cooked (1964)". Between 1959-1982 Levi-Strauss was a professor at the College de France - a prestigeous institute of education and research from Paris and in may 1973 he became a member of the French Academy. He was also awarded many prizes like Erasmus award (1973) or Meister-Eckhart award in filosophy (2003). The Academie Francaise said that it will pay a tribute at the end of this week and it did not give any detail on the cause of the death or when Claude Levi-Strauss died.


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