Thursday, November 5, 2009

First cat infected with AH1N1 swine flu virus

The USA Health Department confirmed that a cat contracted the swine flu AH1N1 virus in Iowa. Officals say that is the first cat known to be infected with AH1N1. The domestic cat is a 13 year old male which was usually taken care at the State University Medical Center. Two out of the three family members who own the cat had suffered swine flu symptoms before the cat got sick which raises the question if the AH1N1 virus can be transmitted from humans to animals. This case is still not surprising regarding the fact that some other virus stems were already detected in cats, for example last year in Europe the cats were infected with the well known H5N1 virus. The Iowa cat was administrated antibiotics and the animal got well therefore the family could take it back home.
Video report Iowa cat infected swine flu AH1N1 virus.


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