Monday, December 21, 2009

CNN reports on Romania and its successful Dacia carmaker

CNN presented a report on how Dacia carmaker overcame the difficult economic situation encountered by Romania. The american TV station recorded a footage at Mioveni, from Dacia manufacturer. According to the analists, Dacia turned out to be the most successful car company during the 2009 financial crisis period. Dacia is a subsidiary of the French Renault group and boosted its production due to cash for clunkers programs.


Nicu B. December 22, 2009 at 6:42 AM  

daca ar fi si alte succese am duce-o poate mai bine..Sau recunoscute ca banuiesc ca multi oameni fac performante prin strainatate pe bani nu pe mizeria de aici.Oricum e de remarcat ,nu stiu totusi cat e datorita francezilor si cat e de la noi.Principal e ca am fost remarcati.

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