Thursday, September 2, 2010

Amazing survival after a 40 stories jump at West End Towers

Thomas Magill, a 22-year-old man, amazingly survived a suicidal attempt by jumping off the rooftop of the West End Towers, New York. Magill experienced a 120 meters high leap and crashed into a parked Dodge Charger car following a falling speed of about 200 km/h. After the fall, the guy was still conscious and suffered just a broken leg, a twisted ankle and a collapsed lung. Instead the car was badly damaged. The witnesses could not believe their eyes that the self-murderer was still alive and shouting "my leg, my leg". The police did not find any farewell message but the man wrote on his facebook page that he hates his life and is gonna try to end it. It looks like the attempt did not work out and Magill definitely deserves the title of American Flyer.


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