Monday, November 2, 2009

40 cases of AH1N1 swine flu in Romanian's Sinaia hotel

Sinaia hotel from the city of Sinaia, Romania, was closed Sunday evening after the authorities tracked down 40 new cases of swine flu infections. All the turists (romanians and foreigners) were hospitalized at "Matei Bals" Institute for Infectious Diseases from Bucharest. The contaminated people were reported to be law students attending a conference whose total number of participants was 260 from 31 EU countries. Medical sources said the infection was spread by a portuguese woman who refused the hospitalization for 48 hours since the confirmation of the virus in her body.
At the moment Sinaia muncipality stays on alert because the students have been in contact with other people while visiting several museums in the area.
Video report PRO TV (romanian) on Sinaia hotel AH1N1 virus infections.


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