Saturday, November 28, 2009

Dacian Ciolos, the European Commissioner for agriculture and rural development

Dacian Ciolos was assigned by Jose Manuel Barroso as European Commissioner for agriculture and rural development. One of the key supporter for Ciolo's candidacy was the Romanian president Traian Basescu. Despite the fact that Dacian Ciolos was not given big chances in Romania, yet the European Union considered him the best nominee for this job. He made a statement at the Cotroceni presidential palace: "I feel like I'm being a result of the huge chance Romania got when it became an EU member. I am glad I have now this chance to bring my contribution to this structure Romania is now a member of".
Ciolos has the responsibility of managing an important portfolio to which around 50 billion euros, almost 1/3 of the EU budget, is allocated for year 2010.
To mention that Dacian Ciolo is member of no Romanian political party.


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