Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Video scandal: Basescu vs Mircea Badea, Mihai Gadea and Valentin Stan

Romanian president Traian Basescu released 2 videoclips on youtube in which imitates the Antena tv station presenters Mircea Badea, Mihai Gadea and Valentin Stan. It is well known that most of the Antena3 tv shows are promoted as a kind of anti-presidential campaigns. In the first video considered a parody to Mircea Badea’s "In gura presei", Basescu just says “It is raining outside” and then listens the comments made by Badea’s “clone”. The second video made up as a reference to "Sinteza zilei", is almost identical as the first clip, instead the Romanian president is “analysed” by Mihai Gadea and Vali Stan. For sure there is going to be tough reactions from Badea, Gadea and Stan which will provide high audience and rating to Antena3 TV.
Video1 Basescu vs Badea "In gura presei"
Video2 Basescu vs Gadea, Stan "Sinteza zilei"


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